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As the Vicariate
of Amphipolis takes form, those interested in the Orthodox world see precisely
the extent of its inevitable, self-imposed schism. At the time of writing,
altogether eight priests and six deacons have left the Sourozh Diocese
for Amphipolis (the British branch of the Paris-based Exarchate under
the Patriarchate of Constantinople) without canonical letters of dismissal.
In addition to this, three priests and one deacon have directly joined
the Archdiocese of Thyateira of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, also
leaving Sourozh without canonical letters of dismissal. The at present
fifteen tiny communities forming the Vicariate of Amphipolis, with perhaps
only two properties actually owned by them and often provided with only
occasional services, consist of perhaps 250 laypeople. Services are soon
to be resumed in these communities after their suspension over the last
two months.
Tragedy Unfolded
This means
that of the clergy of the Sourozh Diocese, ten priests and seven deacons
have kept faith with Russian Orthodoxy, despite the pressures on them.
However, in recent days, we have heard of one priest who has understood
the error of Bishop Basil and is returning to the Sourozh Diocese. We
expect others, especially laity, to return over the coming weeks and months,
when they have understood how they have been manipulated and hoodwinked.
Most of the clergy and laity involved are relatively recent converts from
Anglicanism, many of them naive and idealistic. They have fallen into
one of the many manipulations of a clique that controlled the old Sourozh
for decades.
one of the priests in the Patriarchally-appointed Commission which has
investigated the crisis in the Diocese, Fr Michael Dudko, son of the late
and widely respected Fr Dimitri Dudko, has spoken out. In an interview
on Radio Radonezh he has declared: ‘Bishop Basil is running away
from his responsibilities in order to preserve his personal comfort’.
Essentially, this is of course so: those who arranged this ecclesiastical
adventure were indeed running away, seeking the Resurrection without the
Cross. But it is impossible to have the Resurrection without the Crucifixion.
Fr Michael
Dudko knows this, because he saw it in his father's heroic life. But then
so have all Russian Orthodox in Russia since 1917. The present Resurrection
of the Church there is due purely to her Crucifixion of the last ninety
years. But then anyone who reads the life of Christ in the Gospel knows
it too: no Crucifixion, no Resurrection. Nobody wants to be crucified,
and yet there are times when it is inevitable and it has happened to all
of us in our lives. 'Let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not as I
will, but as Thou wilt' (Matt. 26, 39).
As regards
the Commission itself, it has now reported (see www.sourozh.org/info)
and, despite the narrow brief of the Commission, the harsh realities of
the last five years of life at the London Cathedral can be discovered.
It comes as no surprise to learn that the Commission now knows that this
schism had been prepared years ago. (We can recall people talking of 'going
over to Constantinople' in the 1970s). Obviously, our pain goes out to
Archbishop Anatoly, who for years lived on a pittance in 'a damp basement',
and to the other clergy and laity who were oppressed by the manipulative
and anti-democratic clique of individuals, who for decades had expressed
their lack of love for Orthodoxy and for Russia. Since the spirit of Russian
Orthodoxy was not there, how could any allegiance be there?
we should not overlook the personal tragedies, the weakness of the elderly
and ill Metropolitan Antony, the illness and delusion of Bishop Basil,
the tragic splits within small communities, even within families. They
deserve our prayers on all sides. On the other hand, the (uncanonical)
departure of some for the Patriarchate of Constantinople is also like
a self-cleansing of Sourozh from decades of modernism - sadly, a blessing
in disguise. Here, at least, we can look forward positively to a brighter
future, towards a more mature period after the growing pains of the recent
past. This is a God-given opportunity not to repeat the errors of the
past and look forward to the future of a genuine Russian Orthodox Diocese
and Tradition in the British Isles
A New Beginning
Now that
the Cold War period is past, both parts of the Russian Orthodox Church,
the Patriarchal Sourozh Diocese and that of the Church Outside Russia
(ROCOR), are coming together. This means that both parts of the Church,
in the British Isles also, will enter into eucharistic communion. Thus,
there can be concelebration between the ROCOR parishes, the stavropegic
Patriarchal parishes in Manchester, Dublin and elsewhere in Ireland and
the remaining faithful Sourozh parishes, in London, Oxford (the new parish
of St Nicholas), Cambridge, Bristol, Portsmouth and elsewhere. The Russian
Orthodox Church in the British Isles can grow again, this time built on
the solid foundations of Tradition, not on the passing fads and compromises
of liberalism, modernism, ecumenism and personality worship. It is time
to return to the common Church Tradition.
The errors
of the old Sourozh that are not to be repeated are all linked to separation
from the Russian Orthodox Church and Tradition, liturgically, canonically
and ascetically, which made the final separation of schism in the Sourozh
Diocese inevitable. These are the errors of the last fifty years, which
have reached a crescendo in the last five years and a turning-point in
the last five months. They must be avoided in the future. From them those
who are tempted to fall away from Russian Orthodoxy can learn the following
1. To reject
any type of personality cult and thence manipulation of power. Although
many in the group in question bandied about the word 'sobornost', in fact
they never knew what it meant: catholicity and conciliarity. In other
words, the Church does not exist in isolation, living alone, but together
with others. One of the tragedies of the Sourozh Diocese was that it was
effectively cut off by the Cold War from the conciliar life of the Church
in Russia. Given this situation, it then also refused to join a Synod
of Bishops outside Russia, and, isolating itself, it grew its own problems
in its isolation. Metropolitan Antony realized this to some extent, which
is why he instituted Diocesan Conferences from 1975 on. However, that
was only an internal solution, the Sourozh Diocese needed to frequent
other dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church and Tradition external to
it, not isolating itself in the thoughts or 'heritage' of individuals
in isolation from the catholicity of the Mother Church.
To reject situations in which a great deal of power is concentrated in
the hands of a small number of people. Patriarchal sources are concerned
about a lack of financial transparency.
3. To reject
modernistic innovations in the celebration of services, with respect,
and not contempt, for Russian Orthodox liturgical tradition. Enough of
intercommunion. Enough of communion without confession. Enough of the
Divine Liturgy without the Hours. Enough of no episcopal services. Enough
of the massacre of Matins by omitting the canons. Enough of cremation.
Enough of clergy not wearing the correct clothing or colour vestments.
Enough of 'women in headscarves and skirts look like Muslims'. People
do not become Roman Catholic and introduce Protestant customs, neither
even do people become Greek Orthodox and introduce Russian Orthodox customs.
Therefore, let Russian Orthodox remain Russian Orthodox.
4. To reject
strange and even uncanonical practices, for example, the ordination of
men who have no idea how to serve, of men who are divorced and remarried,
of men whose wives are divorced, of men whose wives are not even Orthodox.
5. To accept
the veneration of the New Martyrs and Confessors - no more of the 'we
do not have enough space on the walls for their icons'.
6. To accept
the teachings of the Church Fathers - and not French philosophers. The
Church is a way of life based on warmth of heart, not philosophy and speculation
based on intellectual coldness.
7. To accept
monasticism and work for the introduction of Russian Orthodox monastic
life in England, to respect the ascetic teachings of the Church, fasting,
the reintroduction of services such as akathists, and the sale, and not
censorship, of the writings of the saints and righteous at the Cathedral
8. To accept
into the Church all people of all nationalities and social backgrounds,
who wish to live according to the Russian Orthodox Tradition. This means
an end to the selective handpicking of individuals, meaning that the vast
majority of people who in the last fifty years had contact with the Sourozh
Diocese were then forced to leave it, ejected, like clergy from Russia
in recent years, like whole sections of the Russian and English populations.
The old Sourozh by itself almost created whole jurisdictions of people
whom it rejected and scandalized, because they did not fit in with 'people
like us', with the liberal, upper middle-class, public school, ex-High
Church Anglican stereotype which it appeared to want. Whether the rejected
exiles went to the Greek Church, like Fr Sophrony, to ROCOR, to the Belorussian
Church, to Antioch (a whole Deanery of 250 ex-Anglicans did this), these
people must now know that they will be greeted back in Sourozh, not exploited,
manipulated, deluded and finally tossed out onto the street as garbage.
The new Sourozh must accept both Russian immigrants who are seeking to
live according to the Tradition as well as East End dockers, who were
so cruelly refused admission to the Church, because 'they wouldn't fit
in'. The new Sourozh will need to be authentically missionary, accepting
and not rejecting.
In a word,
all must know that the new Sourozh is in Orthodox hands once more and
that anyone who wishes to keep faith with the Russian Orthodox Church
and Tradition, whatever nationality they may be and whatever language
they may speak, has their place in it. They must know that Russian Orthodoxy
has a universal vocation in these islands, as everywhere. Those who have
been rejected in the past for their faithfulness to the Russian Orthodox
Tradition, whether in Slavonic or in English, can now be welcomed back.
The future will be built not on worldly compromises, but on Orthodoxy.
To the future!