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A Voice From Beyond the Grave Speaks to the Ukraine.
The Western and Westernized world prepares its annual Mammonmas celebration.
In British town centres field hospitals are ready to pick the drunkards
out of the gutters. The British Government tries to hide its embarrassment
over an 'arrogant' senior Minister, who stole another man's wife, had
one or two children by her, is forced to resign over accusations of corruption,
but boasts of his 'responsibility and integrity'.
the long suspected truth about foreign intervention in the Ukraine emerges.
An American Congressman discloses that the United States administration
has spent $65 million over the last five years, backing its candidate
for President there, Viktor Yushchenko. Husband of an American citizen,
a traveller to Washington, with close political links to the White House,
all is revealed, in readiness for the new Ukrainian elections of 26 December.
by American money and organization, pro-NATO forces, fresh from supervising
the massacres in Serbia and victory in Georgia, prepare their entry into
the Ukraine, which already has troops in Iraq. No doubt the American Mediterranean
Fleet would love to have a Black Sea base in the Crimea. It would compensate
for their catastrophic invasion of Iraq, where no 'exit strategy' (code
for 'escape route') is in sight.
by the money of the Turkey-loving European Union - no matter that Turkey
is in Asia, except for those parts of Greece and Cyprus which they illegally
occupy, no matter their genocide of a million Armenian Christians and
persecution of Greek Orthodox, let alone the torture of Kurds - the Ukrainian
Pora! organization is now training students in Moscow for an uprising
there too.
by the money of the billionaire Hungarian-Jewish financier, George Soros,
dark forces plan their takeover of Orthodox Eastern Europe. Orthodox have
not been able to put forward an Orthodox politician to fight against Yushchenko;
the only alternative has been an 'ex'-Communist bandit. It is the same
scenario as in Serbia, where Orthodox were ruled by another Communist
bandit. We should not forget the reason for this: thanks to European and
American-backed Communism, the Orthodox political elite were long ago
massacred in Serbia, Romania, the Ukraine, Belarus, all over the Orthodox
world. Temptations from the left side, Western stooges, and temptations
from the right side, bandits, are all that remain.
is the voice from beyond the grave, speaking from the last will of the
great Elder Zosima (+2002), the founder of several monasteries in the
Ukraine, prophetically making clear what Orthodox in the Ukraine must
do, if the worst comes to the worst:
leave you my last will: even after my death, until your last breaths,
guard, holy and for ever, all the heritage, the sacred traditions, the
particularities of the services, which are recorded by the brethren and
sisters in the monastery typikon, keeping them in every detail, forbidding
a single change.
strictly to the Russian Orthodox Church and His Holiness the Patriarch
of Moscow and All Russia.
case the Ukraine should leave Moscow, through any sort of autocephaly
-illegal or 'legal' - then the link with the Metropolitan of Kiev is automatically
the monasteries then existing, form a House of Mercy, which will fulfil
the holy laws of mercy - serving people up to their funerals, and the
monasteries must carry out this commandment for ever. Do not recognize
any threats or curses, since they are uncanonical and illegal.
firmly by the canons of the Russian Orthodox Church.
case there should be a falling away from the unity of the Russian Orthodox
Church - the ruling bishop does not exist, the monasteries will go over
to stavropegic (independent) status under the jurisdiction of His Holiness
the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. I pray to God and I hope that
His Holiness will not refuse and will take us into his jurisdiction.
this is not possible, then the monasteries will go over to an independent
status under an Abbot, like the Monastery of Valaam at the beginning of
the twentieth century, with the radiant perspective of future times with
the unity of the Ukraine and Russia, which, I believe profoundly, will
inevitably come into being, and with which I go into eternity...
for eternal life, I utter unto you my last word, brothers and sisters
and all those who pray in our monastery: keep to the Russian Orthodox
Church - in her is salvation.
beyond the grave I give forgiveness to all of you, may God forgive you
and have mercy according to His great and rich mercy. Those who came to
me for spiritual guidance, hold fast to the holy monastery: the brethren
and the sisters will help you and direct you in the path of salvation..
beyond the grave, without breath and without voice, I give to you Peace,
Love, and the Blessing of God.
All the Saints of the Ukraine, Pray to God for the Ukrainian Land and