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At Last The Orthodox Psalter is Available in Liturgical English!
Although available for downloading from the orthodoxengland website for over three years, the Psalter of the Prophet and King David with the Nine Biblical Odes is now available in a professionally printed edition. Infinitely preferable to the unusable academic editions and that made by non-native speakers some thirty years ago, the Psalter has been compiled by the English Orthodox translator Michael Asser and costs only $47.95 (£24). Arranged for liturgical use in the different sections or ‘kathismata’, it has been translated into the liturgical English of the King James and Douai versions of the Scriptures, but conforms in all ways to the Septuagint text as received by the Orthodox Churches.
Hardbound, of rare book quality and in full colour, it contains icon plates and manuscript ornamentation. This is a must for all Orthodox parishes that use English and also a lifelong investment for all English-speaking Orthodox homes. Some fifteen years in gestation, the King James Septuagint Psalter can be obtained from the website of CTOS, who, to their credit, were the only Orthodox group willing to publish such an essential of Orthodox piety. See: http://www.ctosonline.org/forth/PK.html.