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Romanian Orthodox Church Statistics

Official Statistics released in February 2010:

The Romanian Orthodox Church has 53 bishops and 14,578 priests and deacons, of whom 13,787 receive a stipend from the State. 10,199 of the priests and deacons are aged under 50 and 467 new priests and deacons were ordained in 2009. They serve in 64 cathedrals, 11,298 parish churches, 2,239 daughter churches, 550 monastic churches, 264 cemetery churches and 530 churches and chapels in State institutions.

The Church employs 17,258 laypeople, of whom 15,435 receive a State stipend and 5,757 are choir members. There are 255 monasteries, 220 convents and 175 sketes, with 2,931 monks and 5,181 nuns. In 2009 113,466 baptisms, 69,575 weddings, 141,416 funerals took place This reflects the falling population and emigration of many young people.

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