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to the Ever-memorable Archbishop Seraphim: Eternal Memory!
Land, soon to be made fragrant and all-holy, shone through and warmed
by the love of so many martyrs' blood, there is an unknown redolence and
effulgent light in thy still-brightening churches; we neither ask why
nor question how: but we humbly kneel and feel and have Faith'.
April 1974 (P.13 of Orthodox Christianity and the English Tradition).
it possible that we are seeing in our own lifetimes the coming together
of the two parts of the Russian Church? Less than twenty years ago we
can recall KGB men in Paris pursuing parishioners from a ROCOR parish
and then writing a report about them in the Soviet Press, labelling them
laughably as 'dangerous counter-revolutionary operatives'. Today, however,
repentant former KGB agents make humble confession before ROCOR priests.
Concelebration between the two parts of the Russian Church is discussed
as a possibility, however long the Conciliar process may actually be.
repentance of all, as we prayed for and wrote of in several articles over
the last ten years is taking place. (1) Each
is shedding the deadweight of ideology and secular politics. 'The Church
is not a political party', as Archbishop Mark has recently reminded those
who may have forgotten this. All who have lost or never known the Russian
Tradition have to return in repentance to faithfulness to it.
course much remains to be done before concelebration can actually take
place. Will there be repentance for the errors of Sergianism and the excesses
of ecumenism? Will all churches of the Moscow Patriarchate outside Russia
return to the canonical and liturgical norms of the parishes inside Russia?
Will they abandon cremation, accept the return to the Orthodox calendar
and Paschalia, drop the ordinations of divorced men to the priesthood,
stop the ordination of men whose wives are not Orthodox? Will the persecution
of those faithful to the Tradition cease?
rejoice that the Patriarchal Church is coming together with the Church
Outside Russia and we rejoice that those who put secular concerns above
the Church are realising their errors. But probably complete unity within
the Russian Church can only come with an All-Russian Council, drawing
together all the breadth of the Church, as it was before the Revolution.
a few years ago such a Council seemed like a dream which only our children
might yet live to see. However, we must also realise that the scope of
such a Council should not be merely national. Yes, repentance must come
from all. Yes, Russian Church unity must be restored when all believe
that freedom has been restored. But more than this, whether she is ready
to admit it or not, the Russian Church has historic responsibilities beyond
herself to the rest of the multinational Orthodox world. However tempting
it may be for Russia to become self-absorbed and isolate herself, falling
into dangerous nationalist concerns, the remit of the Russian Church is
she has to work to restore something of the Pan-Orthodox unity from before
the Revolution. She has to work for the restoration of Orthodoxy beyond
her borders. She has to help the local Orthodox Churches in the Balkans
and Georgia, and the ancient Eastern Patriarchates, Arabs and Africans
alike. Russia before the Revolution knew this and helped, in Bulgaria
and Serbia, in Romania and Greece, in Syria and Palestine, on Mt Athos
and in Constantinople.
secondly, she has also a historic mission as the Third Rome to reach out
beyond her far-flung borders and to preach Orthodoxy to all the ends of
the earth. She has a Messianic destiny, task and duty not to ignore Non-Russians
who have struggled in poverty and contempt, but to help them. All Russia's
greatest figures, from Dostoyevsky in his Pushkin Speech to St John of
Kronstadt in his diaries, knew this. Russia before the Revolution knew
this and helped, in China and Korea, in Tokyo and Aleutia, in Alaska and
San Francisco, in Germany and France.
have been waiting for this help for thirty years amid daily crucifixion.
Today the eyes not only of Russians, but also of many Non-Russians are
looking to the Russian Church. Hear us now; do not forget us. We have
shed enough tears beside the rivers of Babylon. We await the time of the
fulfillment of the prophecies of the restoration before the end and the
preaching of the Orthodox Gospel to all the ends of the earth:
wonderful light of Christ will shine forth from Russia and enlighten all
the peoples of the earth. This will be helped by that part of the people
providentially sent ahead into the diaspora, who will create centres of
Orthodoxy - churches of God all over the world'.
and the Destiny of Russia (P.301 of Orthodox Christianity and the English
1. For example, from 'Orthodox Christianity
and the English Tradition', Chapters 1, 17, 52, 61. From 'The Lighted
Way', see 'The Russian Church and its Divisions'. Several of these articles
are reproduced on this website. See also our sections on the Russian Church
under 'Events 2002' and the Interview with Pravda in 2002 and published
in Russian in January 2003, also on this website. See also 'A Vision for
the Orthodox Churches of Western Europe' in the 'Orthodox Europe' section
on this website. This was originally written in 1988 as a consultative
paper for the consideration of the late Archbishop George (Wagner) of
the Paris Russian jurisdiction, who tore it up out of hand.