from: Volume 7 Issue 4 Date 1st June 2004

The Preaching of The Gospel
this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then shall come the end.
24, 14
interpreting this verse of the Scriptures, St John of Shanghai and many
other holy ones concluded that before the end of the world, the Gospel
must first be preached worldwide in its Orthodox context. Indeed it is
these very words which inspire us in our task of putting the Western saints
back into their Orthodox context, instead of seeing them through the prism
of distortion. Our task is to take people back to their roots. For although
only a few may recognise it as yet, the roots of all Europeans are in
Orthodox Christianity.
was in this light that when we launched Orthodox England in 1997,
we wished to speak of three particularly important English saints in the
God-given lifetime of this journal. They were: St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne,
St Guthlac of Crowland and St Boniface of Crediton. Not only because of
their importance in themselves, but also because they have particularly
ancient, detailed, authoritative and edifying Lives.
task reaches a particularly important moment in June of this most European
year, 2004. For 5 June marks the 1250th anniversary of the martyrdom of
not only one of the greatest English saints of all time, but also one
of the greatest European saints of all time: St Boniface, the Apostle
of the German Lands. It is this that we commemorate in this issue and
the forthcoming issue of Orthodox England.
Boniface is generally described as a missionary. Unfortunately, in our
times, the word 'missionary' has gained unOrthodox overtones. But this
in no way means that the Apostolic work of preaching the Gospel is not
Orthodox. To answer yes to that question would be to deny the Gospel,
which commands us to 'go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. Although most of
our contemporaries openly renounce these words, yet they are the exact
words fulfilled by the Apostles old and new, from the Twelve on, from
St Nina of Georgia to St Augustine of Canterbury, from Sts Willibrord
and Boniface to Sts Cyril and Methodius, from St Herman of Alaska to St
Nicholas of Tokyo.
one contemporary land of Orthodox Christian mission, Albania, the following
has been achieved in the last twelve years: 140 churches repaired; 83
new churches built; 72 churches and five monasteries restored; 125 Albanian
clergy trained and ordained. As a contemporary and truly Orthodox Archbishop,
Anastasius of Albania, has written:
Orthodox Churches, with thousands of clergy and monks, are circumscribed
within their ethnic boundaries. They dare not, or rather they do not
even think to send even a handful of properly prepared missionaries
trained in the correct understanding of the Church to work in other
places, to strengthen the often small cells of Orthodox believers already
there. But this exclusive turning inward to one land or one ethnic group
does not correspond to the meaning of apostleship, of mission, as it
is defined in the New Testament ... We are called to go from the confines
of closed, entrenched communities, to transcend our prejudices, misgivings,
fears, and bear witness to the Risen Lord.
words are nothing new to us. We have been saying them for the last thirty
years: others for much longer. But how refreshing to hear an Orthodox
bishop saying them, and what support they give to us in our lonely struggle
here for the Truth against all the forces that are set against us. May
we be inspired by Archbishop Boniface the Martyr to be faithful to the
