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We can have no sympathy with Islamic terrorists, who fire their primitive
but deadly rockets indiscriminately at towns in northern Israel. The fact
that these terrorists are mainly the grandchildren of Palestinians, who
were expelled from their own country by Jewish colonists some sixty years
ago and then grew up in refugee camps, does not excuse them. On the other
hand, we had thought that Israel itself worked according to the Old Testament
law, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'. This is clearly not
the case.
days ago, it was announced that 29 Israeli citizens (half of them soldiers
and several others Israeli Arabs) have been killed in the present war
so far, but that 290 Lebanese have been killed. Apparently the new Israeli
law is ‘ten eyes for one eye, ten teeth for one tooth’. Moreover,
many more Lebanese civilians have died since then, whole families massacred,
maimed and buried beneath the American-supplied bombs and shells of the
American-supplied planes and guns, operated by the Israeli military. Whole
areas of southern Beirut lie in ruins and they speak of 500,000 homeless
the ordinary Israeli realizes that his government is not making friends
with his neighbours. Presumably, he realizes why most of the rest of the
world considers that Israel is a terrorist State. Presumably, he realizes
that Israel’s tiny population is outnumbered by 100 to 1 by the
surrounding Arab and Muslim world. Presumably, therefore, he understands
that, by its actions, Israel is guaranteeing the hopelessness of its long-term
regards the Western World, ominously silent as it stands idly by in the
face of Israeli destruction and genocide in the Lebanon, presumably it
realizes that its hypocritical silence is guaranteeing a future of Muslim
hatred and bombings in Western countries. Were any other highly-militarized,
Non-Western, nuclear country in the world bombarding and massacring the
innocent citizens of a feeble, neighbouring country because terrorists
were operating from its soil, then the Western powers would be screaming
for justice. Not in the case of Israel. Apparently, the West supports
Goliath and disapproves of David.
Israel steal Palestine from its native people. Let it humiliate generation
after generation of Palestinians. Let it begin a worldwide conflagration
around itself. Let it murder and maim hundreds of innocent men, women
and children around it. Let the West supply the bombs to do the job. In
its profound anti-Arab racism, the West appears not to care, indeed it
fetes Israel as ‘a European country’, supporting its imperialism,
which is only a repeat of the ancient imperialism of the Western Crusades.
Let it not be surprised then, when next some crazed Islamic fanatics plant
bombs in New York or London.
we may well ask ourselves the question: Who controls the West?
the world draw its conclusions.