Commemoration of Our Venerable Mother Edith of Wilton

Month of September

The 16th Day

Commemoration of Our Venerable Mother Edith of Wilton

Composed by Reader Isaac Lambertson

At Vespers

On “Lord, I have cried …”, 6 stichera: 3 of the Cross, in Tone IV: Spec. Mel.: “Thou hast given a sign…”—-

Today Thy precious Cross hath shone forth radiantly like the sun, O Savior Christ, set up and elevated on the all-glorious place of the skull, on Thine all-holy mountain, showing forth most manifestly that it is thereby, O Omnipotent One, that Thou hast raised our nature up to the heavens, in that Thou lovest mankind.

Today, O Unapproachable One, the heavens have declared Thy glory unto men; for the image of the Cross, shining forth in radiance with unapproachable light, hath denounced the savage and cruel nature of those who slew God. Wherefore, we glorify Thy loving dispensation, O almighty Jesus, Savior of our souls.

By stretching forth his arms Moses vanquished Amalek, prefiguring the image of the Cross; and we now, bowing down before the tree of the Cross, trample the wiles and machinations of the enemy underfoot, having Christ as our champion, Who was lifted up upon it in the flesh, slew the serpent and saved man.

And 3 stichera of the venerable one, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: “Joy of the ranks of heaven…”—

Though born the seed of concupiscence and lust, O Edith, yet, irrigated by the baptismal waters, and warmed by the fervor of the Spirit of God, thou didst put forth blossoms of reverence and holiness, spreading the sweet savor of grace divine throughout all the English lands.

Raised in monastic piety, O saint, as a young child thou didst choose the tonsure and habit of a nun, truly loving God above all else, and thy neighbor as thyself, following the commandments of the Master of all, until thou wast admitted to His glorious mansions on high.

The holy hierarch Dunstan wept tears of grief, foreseeing thine imminent demise; for, instructed in the Christian life by thy many virtues, O saint of God, all held thee in great veneration. Wherefore, even after thy holy repose the Orthodox celebrate thine annual memorial with faith.

Glory…: Idiomelon of the venerable one, in Tone VI—

Reared within convent walls by thy venerable mother, O most blessed one, thou didst spurn all offers of royal marriage, preferring a heavenly crown to any of gold and precious stones. And though the pious king, thy father, would have thee laden with the burden of honors and rank, yet didst thou desire naught but to live in the monastery wherein thou wast raised, lifting up thy voice to Christ in constant psalmody among the choir of virgins in the train of the Queen of the angels.

Now & ever…: Idiomelon of the Cross, in the same tone—

The four corners of the world are sanctified today as the four parts of Thy Cross are elevated, O Christ our God; and the horn of all Orthodox hierarchs is exalted with it. Wherefore, we crush the horns of our enemies. Great art Thou, O Lord, and wondrous art Thou in Thy works! Glory be to Thee!

Aposticha sitchera of the Cross, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: “On the third day…”—

We bow down before the place where the feet of Christ stood, exalting the thrice blessed Cross, whereon was shed the blood of the Master Who hath poured forth resurrection upon the world.

Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God; and worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.

Having mortified the passions of flesh and spirit, O ye divinely wise, let us make haste to elevate ourselves above earthly things to the resting-place of heaven, through the exaltation of the Cross, having crucified ourselves with Christ the Master.

Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He hath wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

An ever-flowing wellspring hath manifestly issued forth from the divine side of the Savior, watering the souls of those who with faith worship His divine sufferings, His Cross and resurrection.

Glory…: Idiomelon of the venerable one, in Tone VIII—

While yet a maid of tender years, O glorious Edith, Christ God, thy heavenly Bridegroom, took thee away from this vale of tears, bringing sorrow to thy holy brother and grief to thy venerable mother, and to those who dwelt in the Monastery of the Mother of God at Wilton. Yet the shrine of thy sacred relics became like a radiant beacon, filling all with the light of the grace divine which shone forth from thee, and bringing healing and blessings unto those who with faith had recourse thereto. Wherefore, exulting in thy holy memory with great jubilation, with hymns of praise we glorify the Creator and Word Who hath wrought all His desires in thee and all His saints.

Now & ever…, of the Cross, the composition of John the Monk, in the same tone—

That which Moses prefigured with his body of old cast down and vanquished Amalek; and David the psalmist, crying out, hath commanded us to bow down before Thy footstool, Thy precious Cross, O Christ God. Today we sinners also do homage with our unworthy lips to Thee Whose will it was to be nailed thereto; and, chanting, we pray: O Lord, vouchsafe that with the thief we may receive Thy kingdom!

Troparion of the venerable one, in Tone IV—

Thou didst love Christ from thy youth, O blessed one, and ardently desiring to labor for Him alone, thou didst struggle in asceticism in the royal convent at Wilton. And having acquired humility of soul and spiritual stillness, thou didst pass over to the mansions of paradise, where thou dost intercede for us O venerable mother Edith.

Glory…, Now & ever…: Troparion of the Cross, in Tone I—

O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; grant victory unto Orthodox Christians over their adversaries, and by the power of Thy Cross preserve Thou Thy commonwealth.

At Matins

At “God is the Lord…”, the troparion of the Cross, twice; Glory…, that of the venerable one; Now & ever…, that of the Cross, once.

After the first chanting of the Psalter, this sessional hymn in Tone III: Spec. Mel.: “Awed by the beauty of thy virginity…”—

Thou didst will to suffer death and the Cross, fixing it in the midst of creation; when it was Thy good pleasure that Thy body be nailed, the sun hid its rays. Beholding these things, the thief on the cross hymned thee, crying out: Remember me, O Lord! And, believing, he received paradise.

Glory…, Now & ever…: The foregoing is repeated.

After the second chanting of the Psalter, this sessional hymn, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: “The hope of the world…”—

Lifted up on the tree of the Cross in thy great mercy, and pierced in the side by a spear, O Savior, Thou didst rend asunder the grievous document of men’s sins, in that Thou art God Almighty. Wherefore, we piously hymn Thine ineffable dispensation, O Word.

Glory…, Now & ever…: The foregoing is repeated.

Canon of the feast, with 8 troparia, including the irmos; and that of the venerable one, with 4 troparia.

Ode I

Canon of the Cross, the acrostic whereof is, “Setting my hope on the Cross, I give utterance to hymnody”, the composition of Cosmas of Maiuma, in Tone VIII—

Irmos: Tracing an upright line with his staff, Moses divided the Red Sea for Israel which was traveling on foot; and striking it a transverse blow, he brought the waters together over the chariots of Pharaoh, thereby inscribing the invincible weapon of the Cross. Wherefore, let us hymn Christ our God, for He hath been glorified.

Of old, Moses, standing between the priests, prefigured in himself the image of Christ’s most pure sufferings; for, forming a cross with his outstretched arms, he raised up victory, vanquishing the might of the tyrant Amalek. Wherefore, let us hymn Christ our God, for He hath been glorified.

Upon a pole did Moses set the cure of the deadly and venomous sting of the serpents, and the deliverance therefrom; for to the tree, in the image of the Cross, he bound a serpent which crawleth upon the ground, triumphing over the sinister bane therein. Wherefore, let us hymn Christ God, for He hath been glorified.

The sky showed forth the victory of the Cross to the divinely wise Emperor Constantine, the pious ruler; and therein the audacity of the hostile foe was cast down, delusion was destroyed and the divine Faith spread to the ends of the earth. Wherefore let us hymn Christ our God, for He hath been glorified.

Canon of the venerable one, in the same tone—

Irmos: The staff of Moses, once working a wonder, striking the sea in the form of the Cross and dividing it, drowned the mounted tyrant Pharaoh, and saved Israel who fled on foot, chanting a hymn unto God.

My soul is ever overwhelmed by the billows of the passions and exceeding vexed by the tumults of evil thoughts; but, O venerable mother Edith, guide me to the calm haven of the will of Christ, that I may hymn thee worthily.

Thy soul was made radiant by holy virginity, O godly Edith; for by fasting, vigils and prayers thou didst mortify the passions and follow in the life-giving footsteps of the preëternal Word, thy Bridegroom.

O holy and glorious Edith, though born to the royal purple thou didst eagerly don the simple garb of a nun, and didst practice all the virtues with zeal. And having become like the bodiless ones, thou hast joined them on high.

Theotokion: Thou art the divine tabernacle and the table that bore the Bread of life: thou art the unploughed field and holy mountain of God; and we glorify thee with hymns, O all-immaculate and most holy Theotokos.


Canon of the Cross

Irmos: The rod of Aaron is taken to be an image of the mystery, for by its budding forth it chose one priest over others; and for the Church, which before was barren, the tree of the Cross hath now budded forth, for her might and confirmation.

The rough stone, struck, put forth water for a disobedient and hard-hearted people, and showed forth the mystery of the divinely elect Church, whereof the Cross is the might and confirmation.

When Christ’s all-pure side was pierced by the spear, blood and water flowed therefrom, renewing the covenant and washing sin away, for the Cross is the boast of the faithful, the might and confirmation of kings.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: O Lord, Fashioner of the vault of heaven and Creator of the Church: establish me in Thy love, O summit of desire, confirmation of the faithful, Who alone lovest mankind.

The Almighty chose thee as His bride, and thou dwellest now in the heavens among the choir of monastics. Thence dost thou pour forth streams of healing upon those who honor thy holy memory.

Thou wast filled with ardent love for Christ, Who, in His abundant compassions, beggared Himself, though He is infinitely rich; and thou didst follow His life-giving words, disdaining all earthly glory.

Pursuing humility of mind with steadfast intent, thou didst thereby acquire golden wings of virtue, O most blessed Edith, and therewith thou hast soared aloft like an eagle to the heights of heaven.

O Virgin, our race hath been saved by Him Who for our sake became poor in the body which He took from thy womb: wherefore, we praise and bless thee, O most pure maiden, full of grace.

Kontakion of the venerable one, in Tone II—

Thou didst labor in fasting, vigils and prayers, O holy mother Edith, thereby illumining thy soul and subduing the carnal passions. By thine intercessions free us from the snares of our enemies, visible and invisible.

Ikos: O God, grant unto my tongue a flood of eloquence and to my mind a fount of piety, that I may hymn thy favored handmaid. For, taking up monastic struggles in her youth, she ran well her course, ever spurning the vainglory and pomp of the world and the pride of place and rank. And as we now honor her with great joy, we pray that through her intercession we may be freed from the snares of our enemies, visible and invisible.

Sessional Hymn of the venerable one, in Tone IV—

As a virgin betrothed unto Christ, thou wast adorned with holy deeds of asceticism as with bridal ornaments. As one possessed of great humility and simplicity of heart thou wast escorted by the angels and saints into the heavenly bridal chamber, where thy soul doth delight in continual communion with Christ thy Bridegroom, Whom do thou entreat that our souls may be saved.

Glory… Now & ever…: Sessional hymn of the Cross, in Tone VIII—

In the midst of Eden a tree budded forth death, and in the midst of all the world a tree budded forth life; for they who were incorrupt became corrupt on tasting the former, but they who have received the latter have inherited incorruption. For, as God, Thou savest the human race through Thy Cross.

Ode IV

Canon of the Cross

Irmos: I have heard, O Lord, the mystery of Thy dispensation; I have considered Thy works, and have glorified Thy divinity.

Of old, Moses transformed with a tree the bitter springs in the desert, showing forth the conversion of the gentiles to piety through the Cross.

Jordan, having hidden in its depths an axe-head, gave it forth again through the power of a stick, signifying the cutting off of deception by the Cross and baptism.

In a sacred manner did the people encamp in four divisions; and preceding in this fashion the tabernacle of the witness, they were glorified in the cross-like formation of their ranks.

Wondrously stretched forth, the Cross emitted rays like the sun’s, and the heavens declared the glory of our God.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: I heard report of Thee, O Lord, and was afraid; I understood Thine ineffable dispensation, and glorified Thy condescension, O Word.

O most venerable Edith, marveling at thy manner of life, the assembly of the Orthodox now rejoiceth with ineffable joy on this, the day of thine illustrious memory.

Thy life of devotion to God was a pure wellspring of edification for all the people, O blessed saint, and thy struggles and labors affrighted the demons and put them to flight.

Having renounced both abbatial staff and royal throne, thou didst bring thy humble soul as a precious gift to the Master, Who hath rewarded thee with joy never-ending.

Theotokion: O most pure one, humble and save me, who live in blind arrogance, for thou gavest birth to Him Who, in taking on our flesh, hath exalted our lowly nature.

Ode V

Canon of the Cross

Irmos: O thrice-blessed Tree, whereon the King and Lord was crucified, and whereby he who beguiled mankind by the tree did fall, beguiled by thee, when God was nailed in the flesh, Who granteth peace unto our souls!

O ever-hymned Tree, whereon Christ was stretched: the whirling sword which guarded Eden stood in awe of thee, O Cross, and the dread cherubim withdrew, when Christ was nailed to thee, Who granteth peace unto our souls.

The adverse powers of the netherworld are stricken with fear when the sign of the Cross is traced in the air in which they live, as are the generations of the earthborn and the heavenly, who bend the knee to Christ, Who granteth peace unto our souls.

Having shone forth a divine light and revealed itself in rays of incorruption unto the benighted gentiles astray in error, the divine Cross acquireth them for Christ Who was nailed thereto, and granteth peace unto our souls.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: Enlighten us with Thy commandments, O Lord, and with Thine upraised arm grant us Thy peace, O Thou Who lovest mankind.

Thou didst pass thy nights in vigils and prayers, O blessed Edith, and thereby didst utterly defeat the ancient foe of our race.

The Most High took thee by thine outstretched hand, O mother Edith, and led thee to the ineffable joys of paradise.

O venerable Edith, thou didst tread the narrow path of asceticism and didst attain to the breadth of paradise.

Theotokion: Those who do not acknowledge thee to be the Mother of God, O most pure one, will not behold the Light of Him Whom thou didst bear.

Ode VI

Canon of the Cross

Irmos: Stretching forth his arms in the form of a cross in the belly of the sea monster, Jonah clearly prefigured the saving Passion. And, issuing forth after three days, he foreshadowed the transcendent resurrection of Christ God, Who was nailed in the flesh and enlightened the world by His rising on the third day.

Bent with age and weighted down with infirmity, Jacob drew himself up when he crossed his arms, showing forth the power of the life-bearing Cross; for God Who was nailed in the flesh hath set aright the obsolescence of the law of the Scripture which was written in shadows, and hath dispelled the soul-destroying disease of deception.

Divine Israel, laying his hands cross-wise upon the heads of the young, revealed that the people who hath the honor of being the elder is a slave to the law. Wherefore, when suspected of erring in so doing, he did not alter the life-bearing image, for, he said, protected by the Cross, the newly established people of Christ God surpass them.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: I pour forth my prayer unto the Lord, and to Him do I declare my grief; for my soul is full of evil and my life hath drawn nigh unto hell, and like Jonah I pray: Lead me up from corruption, O God

O venerable Edith, thou didst still the tumults of the body and didst attain mastery over the passions; wherefore, thou abidest now in dispassionate serenity.

Thou didst have the image of thy Bridegroom ever before the eyes of thy mind, O glorious saint; and with joy thou didst follow after Him in thy words and deeds.

For the sake of thy life hidden in Him, Christ, Who loveth mankind, hath given thee power to work abundant miracles for those who ask with faith, O beloved mother Edith.

Theotokion: O Most Pure One, in the beauty of His divinity thy Son is comely beyond all the children of men: He Who became incarnate for the sake of our salvation.

Kontakion of the Cross, in Tone IV—

O Thou Who wast lifted up willingly upon the Cross, bestow Thy compassions upon the new community called after Thee, O Christ God; gladden by Thy power Orthodox Christians, granting them victory over all adversaries. May they have as an ally the invincible trophy, the weapon of peace.

Ikos: He who was caught up to the third heaven of paradise and heard unspeakable and divine words which the human tongue cannot utter, what writeth he to the Galatians, which, as lovers of the Scriptures, ye have both read and come to understand?—God forbid, saith he, that I should glory, save only in the Cross of the Lord,—whereon having suffered He slew the passions. Let us all then firmly hold this boast, the Cross of the Lord; for this Wood is our salvation, the invincible trophy, the weapon of peace!


Canon of the Cross

Irmos: The mad command of the impious tyrant, breathing forth threats and blasphemy hateful to God, cast the people into confusion. Yet the three children feared not the fury of the wild beasts, nor the roaring blaze; but, in the midst of the fire, when the dew-bearing wind blew upon it, they sang: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

The first man, tasting of the tree, made his abode in corruption; for, having condemned himself by an inglorious rejection of life, he imparted a certain taint as a corruption to the whole race. But we mortals, gaining utterance through the tree of the Cross, cry out: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Disobedience violated the commandment of God, and the tree brought death to man by its being partaken of unseasonably, for, for the preservation of that which is most precious, the tree of life was forbidden; but God disclosed it to the hapless thief who cried out rightly: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Israel, foreseeing things to come, laid hold of the tip of Joseph’s staff, revealing beforehand that the most glorious Cross would seize the power of the kingdom, for it is the victorious boast of kings and a light for those who cry out with faith: O all-hymned God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: In the furnace the Hebrew children boldly trod the flame underfoot and transformed the fire into dew, crying out: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, forever!

Despising royal rank and an earthly court, thou didst seek after spiritual things, the effulgence of divine glory and beauty eternal and sublime in the courts of our God.

Like a wise merchant thou didst sell all that thou didst possess to obtain the Pearl of great price. And for thy steadfast love thou hast been granted a place in the choir of the virgins.

While yet in thy flesh thou didst live like an angel, keeping thy mind ever fixed upon the Savior’s life-giving teachings. And now, having passed from the things of earth to those of heaven, thou beholdest Christ face to face.

Theotokion: The heavy burden of mine evil deeds hath caused me to sink into the mire of despondency. But mercifully regard me and pull me forth therefrom, O Virgin, that I may cry: Blessed art Thou, O Lord God, forever!


Canon of the Cross

Irmos: O children equal in number to the Trinity: bless ye God, the Father and Creator; hymn ye the Word Who came down and transformed the fire into dew; and the all-holy Spirit, Who giveth life unto all, exalt ye supremely forever!

O hosts of heaven, chant ye to the exalted Tree which was drenched in the blood of God the Word incarnate, celebrating the restoration of those on earth. Ye people, worship the Cross of Christ, whereby the resurrection of the world is accomplished forever!

O ye mortal stewards of grace, in sacred manner raise on high with your hands the Cross whereon Christ God stood and the spear which pierced the body of God the Word, that all the nations may see the salvation which is of God, glorifying Him forever!

O faithful Christian kings, forechosen by divine decree, be ye glad! And having received from God the precious Cross, rejoice in it, the weapon of victory, for thereby tribes of warriors seeking courage are scattered abroad forever.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: Trampling down the fire and flame in the furnace, the divinely eloquent youths did chant: Bless the Lord, O ye works of the Lord!

Adorned with humility, and radiant in the splendor of thy pure life, O mother, thou standest ever before thy Bridegroom, Christ our Lord.

By thine intercession, O Edith, the people receive healings of manifold diseases, and the wicked demons are driven away by thine entreaties.

O holy mother Edith, thou wast brought to the Master of all, Christ our God, as a holy sacrifice and a splendid offering, like costly incense of sweet savor.

Theotokion: Ineffably and without corruption thou gavest birth to the Word Who saveth us from corruption, O Virgin. Wherefore, we magnify thee with faith.

Ode IX

Canon of the Cross

Irmos: O Theotokos, thou art a mystical paradise, which, untilled, did put forth Christ, by Whom the life-bearing tree of the Cross was planted. Wherefore, worshiping it as it is now raised aloft, we magnify thee.

Let all the trees of the forests rejoice, for their nature hath been sanctified by Him Who planted them in the beginning—Christ Who was stretched out upon the Tree. Wherefore, worshiping it as it is now raised aloft, we magnify thee, O Theotokos.

A sacred horn hath been lifted up, the chief horn for all the divinely wise: the Cross, whereby all the horns of the sinful are noetically broken asunder. Wherefore, worshiping it as it is now raised aloft, we magnify thee, O Theotokos.

That Thou mayest show the Cross to the world, O worshipful Lord and King, in the sight of all Thou didst form its all-glorious image in the skies, radiant with boundless light, an invincible weapon. Wherefore, all the powers of heaven magnify Thee.

Canon of the Venerable One

Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe, and the ends of the earth were amazed, that God hath appeared in the flesh, and that thy womb became more spacious than the heavens. Wherefore, the ranks of men and angels magnify thee as the Theotokos.

Desiring thy Bridegroom’s spiritual beauty, in pure love for Him thou didst cry with all thy heart: “Where dost Thou rest and pasture Thy rational sheep, O Shepherd? For I would fain rest with Thee and take delight in Thy peace, magnifying Thy loving-kindness!”

In thy soul understanding and humility made their abode; for, thrice thou didst refuse honor and authority, to remain a simple nun laboring for Christ in fasting and prayer; and now thou hast received from God, Who is worshipped in three Persons, the reward of thy toils.

The faithful assemble today to form a choir and praise thy holy life, O venerable Edith our mother. Through thee have we learned to walk the narrow path that leadeth to salvation. As thou now standest before Christ thy Bridegroom, beseech Him to grant us healing of soul and body.

Theotokion: O God, Who wast born of the Virgin and didst preserve her incorrupt after Thy nativity: spare me when Thou wilt sit to judge my deeds; and overlook my sins and wickedness, for Thou art the sinless, gracious God Who lovest mankind.

Exapostilarion of the venerable one—

Rising from strength to strength, thou didst mount the ladder of the virtues, which reacheth up to heaven. And, having attained thy goal, thou dost now rejoice with the angels in the presence of Christ forever.

Glory…, Now & ever…: Exapostilarion of the Cross—

With splendors of bright radiance and divine desire the Cross of the Lord, which lieth before us, doth summon all to its elevation. Come ye all, and with joy, love and fear let us kiss it with faith and glorify the one Creator and Master!

Aposticha sitchera of the Cross, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: “O house of Ephratha…”—

With mystic hymnody together let us hymn the Cross of the Lord, whereon the Savior was crucified, the Resurrection of all.

Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God; and worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.

Come, ye multitudes of monastics, and, having assembled, in godly manner let us hymn the life-bearing Tree whereon Christ was stretched out.

Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He hath wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

O ye faithful, let us glorify the Cross of the Lord, whereon the blood of the Master was poured forth for the deliverance of all.

Glory…: Idiomelon of the venerable one, in Tone I—

Kings and princes stand in awe of thy holiness, O blessed Edith. For when the incredulous Danish king denied thy sanctity, daring even to treat thy memory with mockery, the holy hierarch Dunstan placed thine incorrupt body in the midst of the church, and when the doubting king set his unseemly gaze thereupon, then—O the wonder!—thou didst stretch forth thy hand and didst deal him a blow for his temerity and unbelief. Wherefore, ever after he held thee in great reverence and veneration, O right-believing princess, and thenceforth gave thanks to Christ God for thy heavenly intercession.

Now & ever…: Idiomelon of the Cross, the composition of Andrew of Jerusalem, in the same tone—

Today the holy words of David have received their fulfillment; for, lo! we manifestly worship the footstool of Thine all-pure feet, O most Compassionate One, and cry out to Thee, placing our trust in the shelter of Thy wings: Let the light of Thy countenance be shined upon us! Exalt Thou the horn of Thine Orthodox people through the elevation of Thy Cross, O greatly merciful Christ!


On the Beatitudes, 6 troparia, from Ode III of the canon of the Cross.

Prokimenon of the Cross, in Tone VII—

Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.

Stichos: The Lord is king; let the peoples rage.

And the prokimenon of the venerable one, in Tone IV—

Wondrous is God in His saints, the God of Israel.

Epistle to the Galatians, §208
[Gal. 3:23-29].

Brethren: Before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterward be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Alleluia of the Cross, in Tone IV—

Remember Thy congregation which Thou hast purchased from the beginning.

Stichos: God is our King before the ages, He hath wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

And the Alleluia of the venerable one, in Tone VI—

Stichos: With patience I waited patiently for the Lord, and He was attentive unto me, and He hearkened unto my supplication.

Gospel according to Matthew, §104
[Mt. 25:1-13].

The Lord said this parable: “The kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made: ‘Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise: ‘Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.’ But the wise answered, saying: ‘Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying: ‘Lord, Lord, open to us.’ But he answered and said: ‘Verily I say unto you, I know you not.’ Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”

Communion Verses—

The light of Thy countenance, O Lord, hath been signed upon us.
In everlasting remembrance shall the righteous be; he shall not be afraid of evil tidings.